Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Fast in fast out with Citizen

Printer specialist Citizen Systems Europe has supplied equipment to Cloakvroom, a new mobile cloakroom service for events and festivals.

The company's CLP621 printer and dedicated keyboard is being used to print barcoded wristbands that can be printed on demand and on site.

Owned and operated by event sponsorship company M40 media, the Cloakvroom concept is based around a system where both a bar code and a numeric code representing the item - BG101 for a bag, for instance, or CT061 for a coat - are printed onto a wristband when an item is deposited. The wristband is then given to the customer and checked or scanned when they return to collect their belongings.

The printer's software also allows a sponsor's details or other promotional information to be printed on each wristband.

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